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  • What's The Lightning Network?
    The Lightning Network is a second-layer protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It allows for instant, low-cost transactions by enabling users to open payment channels with each other, rather than recording every single transaction on the main Bitcoin network.
  • What Are Some Real-World Use Cases For The Lightning Network?
    The Lightning Network enables all sorts of exciting use cases, like instant micropayments, pay-per-use services, digital tipping, and more. It also has the potential to bring financial services to the unbanked and underbanked around the world.
  • What's A Lightning Network Channel?
    A Lightning Network channel is a peer-to-peer payment channel that enables instant and low-cost transactions between two parties.
  • Is The Lightning Network Secure?
    Like Batman protecting Gotham, the Lightning Network has multiple layers of security to keep your funds safe. With features like multi-signature wallets and onion routing, your sats are in good hands.
  • Can I Use The Lightning Network For Sending Large Transactions?
    While the Lightning Network is great for small, frequent transactions, it may not be ideal for large transactions due to liquidity constraints. For larger sums, it's best to stick to on-chain Bitcoin transactions.
  • What Are Some Benefits With Using The Lightning Network For Web3 Development?
    The Lightning Network's instant, low-cost transactions make it the ideal payment solution for the fast-paced world of web3 development. Developers can receive their rewards in Bitcoin almost immediately, without the hassle of high fees or long confirmation times.
  • What Are Zaps? ⚡️
    ⚡️Zaps are a way to send a small amount of Bitcoin (sats) to someone's Lightning wallet, along with a message or information, like a memo or a link. It's like sending a text message, but with a tiny amount of Bitcoin attached.
  • What Are Sats (Satoshi’s)?
    Sats (Satoshi's) are tiny units of Bitcoin, like pennies to dollars, used for small transactions on the Lightning Network, perfect for rewarding bug hunters with micro-payments.
  • What are mSats (millisats)?
    mSats are each 1/1000 (a thousandth) of a satoshi. A satoshi is the smallest unit for bitcoin, but lightning can transact with even smaller units while channels are open. The amount is rounded down to the nearest satoshi when the channel is closed and broadcast to the blockchain to adhere to bitcoin's limit.
  • What Should I Do If My Lightning Transaction Fails While Trying To Pay Someone?
    Lightning Network transactions can fail for a few common reasons. The most frequent one is usually just not having enough funds in your channel to cover the payment. Make sure you've got enough money in the account you're sending from and don't forget to factor in the network fees (~2% of the total amount you are trying to send). Another common issue is the transaction not being able to find a route to the recipient's Lightning node. If that happens, just try again a few minutes later. The Lightning Network is still evolving, so some failed transactions are normal. But those two things - insufficient funds and routing problems - tend to be the main culprits when a Lightning payment doesn't go through.
  • What's Lightning Bounties?
    Lightning Bounties is a Web3 Bug Bounty Platform that is tailored for the Lightning Network. It provides a platform for developers, researchers, and ethical hackers to discover and report bugs, vulnerabilities, and security issues within Lightning Network applications and protocols. Lightning Bounties offers an opportunity for the Lightning community to proactively address potential security threats and ensure the overall safety and integrity of the network. The platform facilitates the responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities and rewards individuals for their efforts in identifying and reporting security issues, ultimately contributing to the ongoing improvement and stability of the Lightning network. Through Lightning Bounties, participants can engage in a collaborative effort to bolster the security of the Lightning ecosystem, and contribute to a safer and more reliable network for all users.
  • Who Typically Uses Lightning Bounties?
    Lightning Bounties caters to two primary groups: developers and organizations. Developers can showcase their skills, earn Bitcoin, and contribute to the growth of web3 technology. Organizations can tap into a talented pool of developers to improve the quality and security of their software projects.
  • Why Do I Have To Link My GitHub Account To Use Lightning Bounties?
    Linking your GitHub account to Lightning Bounties is necessary for several reasons: TLDR: Linking your GitHub account streamlines bug hunting, promotes collaboration, and ensures proper reward distribution.
  • What's GitHub & How Does It Work?
    GitHub is the home for all developers—a platform where you can share code, contribute to open source projects, or even automate your workflow with tools like GitHub Actions and Packages.
  • Who Is GitHub For?
    Anyone! And it’s not just developers who build on GitHub—Fortune 500 companies, small teams,bug bounty platforms like us, project managers, and college professors all use GitHub to do their best work, in one place.
  • Do People Only Use GitHub For Code?
    Nope. Different people and teams use GitHub for different projects. While GitHub got their start as a version control platform, GitHub is now used to manage teams, share resumes, find new projects, track work, and host discussions, just to name a few.
  • Are Git & GitHub The Same?
    Git is a version control system (VCS). GitHub is the platform where Git repositories can be hosted and teams can work on them together. Check out the Git Handbook
  • Is GitHub Safe?
    Millions of teams trust GitHub to keep their work safe. While security incidents can happen, our GitHub Security Team goes beyond industry standards to keep you and your code secure.
  • Is GitHub Free?
    All GitHub users and teams get free, unlimited access to public and private repositories. But if you’re looking for more collaboration features, security controls, and deployment options they also offer paid plans: GitHub Team at $4 USD per user/month and Enterprise $21 USD per user/month. Compare all GitHub plans and pricing
  • How Do I Start Using GitHub?
    All you need is a GitHub account and internet access. Get started with the "Hello World" guide
  • What's A Repository (Repo) In GitHub?
    A repository, or repo, in GitHub is a storage space where your project's code and related files are stored and managed.
  • How Do I Create A New Repository In GitHub?
    To create a new repository in GitHub, go to your GitHub account, click on the "New" button, provide a name and optional description for your repository, and click on the "Create repository" button. Click This To See A More Detailed Guide
  • What's A Branch In GitHub?
    A branch in GitHub is a parallel version of a repository that allows you to work on a specific feature or bug fix without affecting the main codebase. Click Me To Learn More About Branches
  • How Do I Create A Branch On GitHub?
    To create a new branch in GitHub, go to your repository, click on the "Branch" dropdown menu, enter a name for your new branch, and click on the "Create branch" button. Click Me For More Details On How To Create A Branch On GitHub
  • What's A Pull Request?
    A pull request in GitHub is a way to propose changes to a repository. It allows you to submit your changes for review and eventual merge into the main codebase. Click Me To Learn More About Pull Request
  • How Do I Open A Pull Request In GitHub?
    To open a pull request in GitHub, Follow The Steps Below ⤵️ Navigate to your repository Switch to the branch containing your changes. Click on the "New pull request" button Provide a title and description for your pull request Click on the "Create pull request" button Click Me To Learn More About Pull Request
  • What Does It Mean To Merge A Pull Request In GitHub?
    A merge in GitHub combines changes from one branch into another. It allows you to integrate the changes made in a branch into the main codebase. Click Me To Learn More About The Different Types Of Merge Methods On GitHub
  • What's A Fork In GitHub?
    A fork in GitHub is a copy of a repository that allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original repository. Click Me To See How To Fork A Repo On GitHub
  • How Do I Fork A Repository In GitHub?
    To fork a repository in GitHub, go to the repository you want to fork, click on the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of the repository page (Image Below). This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account. Click Me To See How To Fork A Repo On GitHub
  • What's Cloning A Repo In GitHub Mean?
    Cloning a repository in GitHub means creating a local copy of the repository on your machine, allowing you to work on the code locally. Click Me To Learn More About Cloning A Repo On GitHub
  • How Do I Clone A Repo In GitHub?
    To clone a repository in GitHub, go to the repository page, click on the "Code" button, copy the repository URL, open your terminal, navigate to the desired directory, and run the command git clone <repository URL>. Click Me To See How To Clone A Repo On GitHub
  • What Does A 'Commit' In GitHub Mean?
    A commit in GitHub represents a specific set of changes made to a repository. It is like a snapshot of the code at a particular point in time. Click Me To Lean More About Commits
  • How Do I Make A Commit In GitHub?
    To make a commit in GitHub, make the desired changes to your code, stage the changes using the git add command, and then create a commit using the git commit command with a descriptive message. Click Me To Lean How To Start Making Commits
  • What's A README File In GitHub?
    A README is often the first item a visitor will see when visiting your repository. It serves as the introduction and documentation for your project. README files typically include information on: What the project does Why the project is useful How users can get started with the project Where users can get help with your project Who maintains and contributes to the project Click Me To Learn More About README Files
  • What's An Issue In GitHub?
    An issue in GitHub is a way to track and manage tasks, bugs, or feature requests related to a repository. It provides a centralized place for discussion and collaboration. Click Me To Learn More About Issues
  • How Do I Create A New Issue In GitHub?
    To create a new issue in GitHub, go to your repository, click on the "Issues" tab, click on the "New issue" button, provide a title and description for your issue, and click on the "Submit new issue" button. Click Me To Learn How To Create An Issue In GitHub
  • How Do I Assign An Issue To Someone In GitHub?
    To assign an issue to someone in GitHub, open the issue, click on the "Assignees" section on the right-hand side, start typing the name of the person you want to assign it to, and select their name from the dropdown menu. Click Me To See How To Assign An Issue To Someone On GitHub
  • What's GitHub Actions?
    GitHub Actions is a feature of GitHub that allows you to automate your software development workflows. It enables you to build, test, and deploy your code directly from your repositories. Click Me To Learn More About GitHub Actions
  • What Are GitHub Pages?
    GitHub Pages is a feature of GitHub that allows you to publish web pages directly from your repositories. It makes it easy to create and host static websites for personal or project use. Click Here To Learn More About GitHub Pages
  • How Do I Set Up A GitHub Pages Site?
    To set up a GitHub Pages site, go to your repository, navigate to the "Settings" tab, scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section, select the branch you want to use for your site, choose a theme (optional), and click on the "Save" button. Your site will be published at a URL based on your username or organization and the repository name. Click Me To Learn How To Make Your Own GitHub Page

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